The Patio Planter: Only $75 (plus tax)

Hand-crafted cedar planter boxes come in standard and custom sizing
The Patio Planter is perfect for herbs ready for the garden to kitchen transition!

Great planters for great gardeners

The Patio Planter ~$75.00 (plus tax) ~

When we launched our business, we participated in local Farmers’ Markets to learn what folks were looking for in a planter. We identified two ways we could help our local gardeners: custom planters and our customers’ favorite, the Patio Planter.

The Patio Planter was a favorite at the Farmers’ Markets as it’s perfect to put out on a deck or patio, near the kitchen, to harvest culinary herbs for cooking. It’s also great because you don’t have to worry about bending or kneeling when you garden.

Over time the design matured into one that is: at a comfortable height, has a tray below the planter for collecting water that drops through the planter drain holes, and is easy to transport home! You can pick this planter up at our Lake Forest Park shop.

The standard Patio Planter is 34″ tall with a planter box 22″ long by 11″ wide and a planting depth of 6″ – if you want to modify the design we can produce a custom version for you.

If you live outside the greater Seattle area, we’re sorry, but we do not ship our planters. We’re happy to build planters for you, but you will need to arrange to have them picked up at our Lake Forest Park, WA location.

Quality planters

You don’t have to compromise on quality, design or cost. You also get peace of mind that we make your planter with only untreated western red cedar that’s safe for growing plants and use only stainless steel hardware that won’t rust or stain your planters. Below another image of our Patio Planter – showing the tray for collecting water that flows through the planter.

An internal raised platform, with pre-drilled drainage holes, makes gardening easier with this large planter.
Patio Planter with standard watering tray.